Polyhedron Absoft Pro For Mac

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Absoft Pro Fortran Compiler Suite for Mac OS X Absoft Pro Fortran for Mac OS / G5 systems Absoft Pro Fortran for Mac OS / Intel systems (Rosetta) Absoft Pro Fortran is the only commercially available Fortran compiler solution compatible with both Mac OS / G5 and Mac OS /Intel Product Overview Absoft Pro Fortran for Mac OS is compatible with both Mac OS / G5 and Mac OS / Intel based systems - and it is the most complete solution in either environment. It runs native on Mac OS / G5 systems, installs in both 32-bit and 64-bit environments and can generate both 32-bit and 64-bit applications. With a few easy steps, it also installs and runs on the new Mac OS / Intel systems using Apple's Rosetta. Code for G5 and Intel can be developed on a single system and building code between G5 and Intel Mac systems requires little more than a recompile. In addition to tremendous flexibility Pro Fortran provides the industry's most complete Fortran development solution.


Each copy includes: Fortran 95 (64/32-bit) and C/C compilers (32-bit G5 only), a powerful Integrated Development Environment (IDE) designed for Fortran programmers, programmer's editor, the industry-leading Fx2 debugging solution, MRWE application framework, math and VAX/Unix compatibility libraries, graphics libraries, and free technical support. For Mac OS / G5 companion products such as VNI's newest IMSL 5.0 Fortran numerical libraries are available in 64-bit and 32-bit versions. To take maximum advantage of the G5's vector processing capabilities, the VAST auto-vectorizing and auto-parallelizing source code pre-processors are available as options. Power users on Mac OS Intel may want to purchase for Mac OS Intel. Runs native on Mac OS G4/5 and under Rosetta on Mac OS Intel.

Highly optimized 64-bit and 32-bit ANSI/ISO F95 compiler modes which include G5 specific optimizers and allow addressing of all available memory. Compilers support all popular workstation extensions and are link/debug compatible with Absoft C and Apple C (gnu). Simple commands allows selecting application builds for either 64-bit and 32-bit environments. Pre-configured BLAS, LAPACK90, ATLAS, HDF, VAX/Unix 2D/3D graphics libraries included on distribution CD. Some optimized for G5.

Optional tools for auto parallelizing and vectorizing code and special function math libraries available. Source compatible versions available for Mac OS X, Windows, Linux and AMD64. Multi-platform discounts available. Key Features Compiler features:. 64 bit code generation on Tiger allows you to take advantage of the G5's full address space. VOLATILE attributes Special Features Runs native on Mac OS G4/5 and under Rosetta on Mac OS Intel AltiVec/Velocity Engine Support Absoft has partnered with Crescent Bay Software to provide leading edge technology to take advantage of the vector capabilities of the G5 and G4 processors.

VAST-F/Vector is an optional pre-processor, compatible with 64-bit and 32-bit environments, which automatically restructures your code for AltiVec. Please note AltiVec supports single precision only. AltiVec support can be easily accessed simply by selecting options in the Absoft Integrated Development Environment (IDE). BLAS and LAPACK90 libraries optimized for Velocity Engine (included) offer performance increases of up to 2x.

F90/95 intrinsic functions optimized for Velocity Engine. Pre-compiled Velocity Engine optimized IMSL Fortran Numerical Library (Low cost bundle option). App hue dada 1.9 for mac. VAST-F/Vector - pre-processor which automatically inserts AltiVec instructions in your code. (Low cost bundle option).

Dr. Hunter at NASA has developed sample code optimized for AltiVec Multi-processor and OpenMP support Absoft has partnered with Crescent Bay Software to provide leading edge technology to maximize performance on dual processor systems. VAST-F/Parallel is an available option. VAST-F/P is a pre-processor which automatically restructures your code for dual processors.

The original source is also maintained. VAST also performs superscalar optimizations and provides full support for OpenMP.

Polyhedron Absoft Pro For Mac Free

Environment Complete IDE (Integrated Development Environment) includes programmer's editor, compilers, multi-language debugger with Carbon interface, application framework and support for XL Fortran and XL C/C. Full link and debug compatibility with Apple C. All compilers can be run from GUI or command line. IDE is easy to use but very powerful and flexible for advanced users. Editor The Absoft Editor is a powerful and flexible tool for creating and maintaining program source files in FORTRAN 77, FORTRAN 90/95, C and C.

The editor is source language sensitive and will display keywords and comments in different text colors, making keywords easier to distinguish in your source code. With the Absoft Editor, you can edit multiple files at the same time, launch a compiler, and return to the editor to correct syntax errors detected by the compiler. The Absoft Editor is a Mac OS X program. Third party editors are also supported. Application Framework MRWE (Macintosh Runtime Window Environment) can automatically add a basic Mac style interface to any compiled application.

Written entirely in Fortran 95, full, documented source is provided as example of writing Carbon applications which access the Mac toolbox. MRWE can easily be modified to add special features or change functionality.

Graphics Pro Fortran for Mac OS X includes a version of PLplot, a library of functions that are useful for making scientific plots. PLplot can be called from C, C and FORTRAN. The PLplot library can be used to create standard x-y plots, semilog plots, log-log plots, contour plots, 3D plots, mesh plots, bar charts and pie charts.

Multiple graphs (of the same or different sizes) may be placed on a single page with multiple lines in each graph. There are almost 2000 characters in the extended character set. This includes four different fonts, the Greek alphabet and a host of mathematical, musical and other symbols. PLplot requires OS X 10.1 or later. PLplot is available for OS X, Windows, x86/Linux and x64/Linux making porting graphics between any of these environmets a straightforward process. Complete documentation is provided in pdf format.

PLplot is provided under LGPL. Included on Distribution CD Pro Fortran language compiler suite which includes.

Fortran and C/C compilers. Editor, Development Environment (IDE), Fx2™ Debugging Solution, and Application Framework (MRWE). PLplot Graphics. Example programs. VAX/Unix compatibility libraries. User Guide, Reference Manuals in indexed PDF format Additional libraries, tools and resources:. IMSL Fortran Numerical Library (32-bit or 64-bit) is available as an option to Absoft Pro Fortran users.

A version of IMSL optimized for G5 processors is provided. VAST-F/Parallel is available as an option for Pro Fortran users.

Polyhedron Absoft Pro For Mac Download

VAST-F/Vector is available as an option for Pro Fortran users. LAPACK and LAPACK95 - precompiled libraries and modules.

BLAS - precompiled, AltiVec and non-AltiVec versions. ATLAS - precompiled math libraries, 1u for 32-bit, 1u & 2u for 64-bit. HDF (Hierarchical Data Format) precompiled libraries with Fortran entry points. Both HDF4 and HDF5 are represented.

F90GL Ease of Use Easy to install, Pro Fortran includes a comprehensive, easy to use Integrated Development Environment (IDE) designed for programmers. The compilers can be run either from the command line or the GUI and select third party products such as IMSL or VAST tools can be run as plug-ins from the IDE. Mix and match development in Fortran and C with Absoft and IBM compilers in a single environment.

A single copy of optional third party tools such as VAST can be shared between Absoft 64-bit and 32-bit compilers. Linking with C is simple and straightforward from Pro Fortran. The Absoft Fx2 Debugging Solution, included at no charge, is one of the few debugging tools which can properly debug both Fortran and C code. Availability Date Now Available Terms and Conditions Agreement: Absoft Software License Agreement. See Also: Absoft IMSL Software License Agreement. Limited warranty applies: Yes Warranty: Absoft and its Licensors warrant that the media on which the software is supplied shall be free of defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase.

For additional warranty information, see the Absoft Software License Agreement. Introductory Software Maintenance applies: From date of purchase until version is no longer current; charges may apply afterwards. Absoft branded products include Premier Technical Support and Initial Software Maintenance at no additional charge from the time of purchase for as long as the purchased version remains the current release version. Premier Technical Support Premier Technical Support includes free technical assistance for routine, short duration installation and usage (how-to) questions, limited code-related questions, access to the Absoft user forum and FAQ's and access to friendly technical support engineers via fax, email or telephone during normal support hours.

Premier Technical Support is at no charge is as long as the purchased product version is current or the customer is still under Initial or Continuing Software Maintenance. Initial Software Maintenance (ISM) Initial Software Maintenance includes free electronic downloads of all interim Service Packs and Quick Fixes from Absoft. Version upgrades require separate purchase but at discounted prices. Continuing Software Maintenance (CSM) At the conclusion of the Initial Software Maintenance term (i.e. When a new version of the purchased product is released) customers may either purchase a Product Upgrade or within 30 days of the new product release, purchase Continuing Software Maintenance (CSM) for an additional 12 month maintenance term.

Continuing Software Maintenance includes all elements of Premier Technical support plus all Product Upgrades issued during the 12 month Continuing Software Maintenance term. Annual renewals of Software Maintenance will be made available at low-cost to customers who renew within their unexpired Maintenance term. For users electing not to renew Continuing Software Maintenance and having expired maintenance terms but later wishing to rejoin CSM, Reinstatement Software Maintenance (RSM) terms may be purchased. Third party products distributed by Absoft are subject to license terms and policies of their respective manufacturers. Please contact Absoft directly for further details or questions on Technical Support or Software Maintenance. Disclaimer: Premier Technical Support cannot be used as a tutorial to assist in the design and development of applications, use of programs in other than their specified operating environment, provide instructions on general system operation or explore failures caused by products for which Absoft is not responsible under this agreement. MaxFlex Flexible Licensing available: Yes Floating Network Licenses available: Yes Copy and use on home/portable computer: Yes.

Absoft's no charge companion home license policy allows registered users to install Fortran95 on their home system at no additional charge. Volume orders: Yes. System Requirements. Mac OS G3/4/5 Systems:. Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later for 64-bit or 32-bit code generation. Mac OS X 10.4 for executing 64-bit applications. 256 MB RAM.

125 MB free disk space. Mac OS Intel Systems:. Core Duo, Core2 Duo or Mac Pro Intel based systems Try and Buy A of the Absoft Pro Fortran compiler for Mac OS X is available Compatibility and Companion Products Absoft Pro Fortran uses an extended version of the Cray CF90 front end and adheres to the latest ISO and ANSI Fortran 95 standards. Extensions from all major workstations have been added to make sure your code ports from any environment with minimal effort. Absoft Fortran compilers conform to all DoD MIL-STD 1753, FIPS 69-1, and POSIX standards, support most popular VAX/VMS extensions including RECORD, STRUCTURE, POINTER, and UNION, (per V5.4 of VMS FORTRAN), QUAD (REAL.16) data types as well as others from IBM/VS, Cray, Sun FORTRAN as well as FORTRAN 66 conventions. Automatic byte-swapping and full integration with many third party tools means porting code from virtually any environment requires little more than a recompilation without rewriting code. The F95 compiler can operate in F95, F90 or F77 modes.

Technical Support Full technical support from friendly technicians is included at no additional charge with each new product from Absoft. To ensure your software continues running at maximum efficiency, all registered Absoft customers can download service packs and quick fixes at no charge. Customers and partners can subscribe to Absoft's free electronic mailing list to receive electronic bulletins and update notices advising of new updates, changes in product releases, new product announcements and other news. Documentation User Guide Product Literature Presentations White Papers Debugger Options. Fx2 ™ Debugging Solution ™ (32-bit only) Cluster Options. Cluster Products Additional Information / Notices VAST purchased for Pro Fortran 9.2 for Mac OS X users can also use the same VAST purchase with IBM's XL Fortran at no additional cost.

I'm interested in any feedback that anyone may have regarding the Absoft Pro FORTRAN 6.0 compiler. I'm interested if anyone can offer any comparisons to the latest Digital and Lahey compilers. ThanksBob See in the Web of Polyhedron or in Lahey Web.

Sincerely Javier - // (o o) -ooO-Ooo- Dr. Javier Gonzalez Platas Grupo de Rayox-X Universidad de La Laguna Tel (+34) 922 31 83 00 Dpto. Fisica Fundamental II (+34) 922 31 83 01 E-30204 La Laguna. Tenerife Fax (+34) 922 25 69 73 - Wed, 18 Jun 1902 08:00:00 GMT. Our company has tried Salford FTN95, Lahey LF95, Compaq Visual Fortran ver 6.0 and Absoft 6.0. The best of the lot, BY FAR, is the Lahey compiler.


We highly recommend it. If you don't need all sorts of supplemental programse.g., an editor, a code analyzer, etc., you can purchase a complete compiler for $200. Norm Clerman Opcon Associates, Inc. I'm interested in any feedback that anyone may have regarding the Absoft Pro FORTRAN 6.0 compiler.

I'm interested if anyone can offer any comparisons to the latest Digital and Lahey compilers. ThanksBob Wed, 18 Jun 1902 08:00:00 GMT Page 1 of 1 5 post.