Lia Ices Ice Wine Download For Mac

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Lia Ices Ice Wine Download For Mac Pro

Lia Ices Ice Wine Download For Mac

Never seen again but as a wish for you The bones they are trees not our enemies When they wave in the wind and grind their brittle teeth And I collect their skin. Yes I need their bark, for my new kind of hide in my new kind of dark These fruits that we have grown have froze Heavy on the vine Winter brew is born from the temporal and rime The thicket and the thistle cry new kind of wild Drink up to new dead and new alive I'd hate to leave you like a setting sun When the minutes and hours have all but added up And I strike this tinder as an oath and a vow winter is wild. I'd hate to leave you now.

These fruits that we have grown have froze Heavy on the vine Winter brew is born from the temporal and rime The thicket and the thistle cry new kind of wild Drink up to new dead and new alive.