Elo Serial Touchscreen Driver For Mac
Michael8545 wrote: MAC desktops (iMacs, Mac Mini, Mac Pro) don't natively support touch unless you buy a device specifically made to support for MAC. Cintiq makes pen based monitors that work with MAC, for instance, but only for specific applications. MAC = media access control address. Mac = the computer hardware made by Apple, Inc. Sorry, minor pet peeve.;) BizDPS wrote: OS X really isn't optimized for touch at present. It's designed to be a desktop/laptop OS, not a mobile device OS. Based on using LogMeIn Ignition on my iPad to access my Mac it does work rather well however.
Go to System Preferences Dock and uncheck the Magnification option though. I've found that option made the icons in the dock very poor touch targets.

For the latest touch monitor drivers, you will need to know what type of touch screen and controller technology your monitor uses. This is most easily determined by looking at two specific digits of the part number of your touch monitor. You can find your part number on the silver label located on the back of your touch monitor. Your touch technology is encoded in the 5th and 6th digits of your part number. For example, if your part number is DM-1701-19, then the 5th and 6th digits are “01” (indicating the monitor uses our Standard touch technology.) Interested in the overall part-number encoding? Each pair of digits has a meaning.
For example, Part # DM-1701-19:. DM = Desktop Monitor. 17 = 17″ Diagonal. 01 = Resistive, USB These are the touch-technology digits.
19 = Type of base monitor To find the correct latest touch monitor driver for your product, simply find the two touch-technology digits of your part number, and then click the corresponding link below: If your 5th and 6th characters are 01, 02, 09 or 10. Hide 01, 02, 09 or 10 Drivers. Then your touch monitor has our Standard resistive or capacitive technology. You can find your driver in the table below – just look up your operating system in the left column, and find your download link in the right column.
Operating System Version Number Release Date Download Link Windows® 10 / 8 / 7 /Vista / XP 2017/10/27 Windows® 2000 5.12.0./04/10 Windows® 95 / 98 / Me 2009/08/31 Windows® NT 4.0 2009/08/31 Windows® CE (.Net 4.X / 5.0 / 6.0 / 7.0) Varies 2013/04/10 Windows® XP Embedded 2011/11/14 DOS® 6. 2007/07/23 Mac OS X (PowerPC) 1.16.9106 2009/08/31 Mac OS X (Intel CPU – 32bit) 1.19.4506 2013/04/10 Mac OS X (Intel CPU – 64bit) 1.19.4506 2013/04/10 Mac OS 9.x 1.0.2 2009/08/31 Linux Kernel 2.6.23 (64bit / 32bit) 3.07.6014 2013/04/10 Linux Kernel 2.6.24 (ARM / 64bit / 32bit) 2.5.2107 2013/04/10 Linux Kernel 2.4.X 3.06.5605 2013/04/10 QNX Varies 2013/04/10.
Elo Touchscreen Driver Download
Then your touch monitor has 3M resistive, capacitive or DST technology. You can find your driver in the table below – just look up your operating system in the left column, and find your download link in the right column. Operating System Version Number Release Date Download Link Windows® 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP MT 7.14.9 2017/10/27 Windows® Server 2008 / 2003 MT 7.14.9 2017/10/27 Windows® CE (6.0, 7.0) MT 7.13 Build 3 2011/04 Windows® XPE MT 7.11 2005/10/17 Windows® WePOS MT 7.13 Build 1 2010/03/29 Linux Single Touch 32-bit MT 7.14.1 2014/08/14 Linux Single Touch 64-bit MT 7.14.1 2014/08/14 MacOSX (PowerPC) UPDD Driver (PPC) 2010/04 MacOSX (Intel) UPDD Driver (Intel) 2014/02.
Elo Touchscreen Drivers Windows 7
Then your touch monitor has ELO Resistive or SAW technology. You can find your driver in the table below – just look up your operating system in the left column, and find your download link in the right column. Operating System Version Number Interface Download Link Windows® 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP 6.9.7 USB, Serial Windows® Server 2008 / 2003 5.8.0 USB, Serial Windows® XP Embedded 5.2 USB, Serial Windows® CE 7.0 2.2 USB, Serial MAC OSX 10.7 Lion 4.1.10 (Single-Touch Driver) USB, Serial MAC OSX 10.7 Lion 4.1.10 (Multi-Touch Add-On) USB, Serial Linux 32bit USB Driver 3.5.2 USB Linux 64bit USB Driver 3.5.2 USB Linux 32bit Serial Driver 3.3.0 Serial Linux 64bit Serial Driver 3.3.0 Serial Linux 32bit APR Driver 2.2.0 USB Linux 64bit APR Driver 2.2.0 USB.